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2018-06-28 17:20admin

北京中紡纖建科技有限公司,北京 100025
關(guān)鍵詞:鋼纖維    凱泰(CTA)改性聚丙烯粗纖維    纖維混凝土    韌性    耐久性
A Study On The Application Of CTA Fiber In Concrete
Jin Jian,Liu Lijun,Shi Xiaoxing
Beijing CTA Fiber Co.,Ltd,Beijing 100025, China
Abstract:When used to prevent the crack of hard concrete to appear ,steel fiber can improve toughness and impact resistance, But steel fiber tends to rust, tangle with each other and to be difficult to convey,construct,especially under the moist condition such as tunnel and maritime projects. These defect of steel fiber has a bad damage on the durability of the concrete. Therefore, We prepare CTA steel wire-like fiber by using organic materials and special technics to solve the problem. Under the precondition of the concrete having high performance , the concrete adding fewer CTA fiber, has as good effect as the the concrete adding steel fiber. This paper studies the influence of CTA steel wire-like fiber on the properties of shot concrete and high-performance concrete,and also discusses the possibility and the future of the CTA steel wire-like fiber partially replacing steel fiber or steel meshwork.
Key words:steel fiber; CTA steel wire-like fiber; fiber concrete; toughness; durability


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